k1LoW / awspec

RSpec tests for your AWS resources.

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Docs for "ecs_service" do not cover non 'default' ecs cluster

MarkWoods1977 opened this issue · comments

When using the ecs_service resource described here https://github.com/k1LoW/awspec/blob/master/doc/_resource_types/ecs_service.md, when the cluster is not default it will fail.


describe ecs_service('my-ecs-service') do
  it { should exist }

fails with

       Cluster not found.

Where the cluster is not default you need to pass the cluster name e.g. for cluster named 'non-default':

describe ecs_service('my-ecs-service'), cluster: 'not-default' do
it { should exist }

Could the docs in the link be updated accordingly.

@MarkWoods1977 Thank you for your report !!