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FastHub Version: 4.7.3
Android Version: 8.1.0 (SDK: 27)
Device Information:

  • Manufacturer: samsung
  • Brand: samsung
  • Model: SM-A260G

	<title>html and css class</title>

Html and Css class

Class no -01

  1. *Introduction
  2. <li>*Part of web application</li>
    <li>*part of the frontend</li>
    <li>*web application vs website</li>
    <li>*As a web developer what we make</li>

Class no -02

  1. *Challenge: communication gap
  2. <li>*What is Protocol</li>
    <li>*What is the internet</li>
    <li>*What is TCP/IP Protocol</li>
    <li>*What is DNS</li>
    <li>*How website work</li>

Class no -03

  1. *Install and run visual code studio
  2. <li>*History of HTML</li>
    <li>*What is HTML</li>
    <li>*What is Markup language</li>
    <li>*What is Element</li>
    <li>*What is Tag</li>
    <li>*What is Attribute</li>

Class no -04

  1. *Structure of HTML Page
  2. <li>*First HTML page run</li>
    <li>*Nested HTML element</li>
    <li>*Empty tag</li>
    <li>*Empty Element</li>
    <li>*Heading tag</li>
    <li>*Paragraph tag</li>
    <li>*Anchor tag</li>
    <li>*Image tag</li>

class no -05

  1. *Git account create
  2. 	<li>*Github project create</li>
    	<li>*Project upload in Github</li>
    	<li>*Project live from GitHub account</li>
    	<h2>class no -06</h2>
      	<li>*Inline css</li>
      	<li>*Document type declaration</li>
      <li>	*Element</li>
      <li>	*Nested element</li>
      	<li>*Active link</li>
    1. *pre tag
    2. <li>	*font tag </li>
      	<li >*font-face</li>
      <li>	*Size</li>
      <li>	*Bold,underline,italic</li>
      <li>	*Strike</li>
      <li>	*teletype</li>
    3. sup tag
    4. sub tag
    5. 	<li>hr tag </li>
      	<li>code tag </li>
      	<li>a tag</li>
      	<li>*target_blank : new tab</li>
      <li>	*Page linkup</li>
      <li>	*section</li>
      <li>	*size</li>
    6. em tag
    7. strong tag
    8. address tag
    9. abbr tag
    10. title tag
    11. acronym tag
    12.     <li>dfn tag </li>
           <li>blockquote tag </li>
            <li>cite tag </li>
            <li>q tag </li>
      	<li>code tag</li>

    Class no -07

    1. *CSS=Cascading style sheet
    2. <li>*Part of css</li>
    3. *css linkup
    4. <li>*div</li>
    5. *span
    6. *border
    7. *margin
    8. *padding
    9. *height and width
    10. <li>*float</li>
    11. *align
    12. *border radius
    13. <li>*hover</li>
      <li>*shudow class</li>
    14. *overflow
    15. <li>*login from create</li>
    16. *google font use

    Class no - 08

    1. *div
    2. 	<li>*class</li>
      <li>*repository delete from github</li>

    Class no -09

    1. *directory add  to GitHub from vs code
    2. <li>*internal CSS</li>
    3. *how to start a project
    4. <li>*comments</li>
    5. *section ( header, slider, body section, footer section)
    6. *header menu
    7. <li>*body (main section) create</li>
    	<h1>Class no -10</h1>
      	<li>*img resize (paint)</li>
      	<li>*img format (png , jpg , svg) svg - important</li>
      <li>	*svg viewer extension install from vs code</li>
      <li>	*transform</li>
      <li>	* .box.outer-box*3>.box inner-box  press enter (create box)</li>
      <li>	*transition</li>
      <li>	*flexible</li>
      	<li>*justify content</li>
      	<li>*flex-wrap for responsive</li>

    Class no -11

      <li>*position: static, relative, absolute, fixed</li>
      <li>*hakon wium lie = css builder</li>
      <li>*always know to the latest version any software</li>
      <li>*breakpoints CSS for device</li>
      <li>*responsive for media query use</li>
      <li>*HTML audio and video</li>
      <li>*favicon icon</li>