k-zehnder / pyflycli

Python Command Line Application (CLI) using Typer, Pydantic, SQLModel, PostgreSQL, and FastAPI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


pyflycli is a command-line interface application built with Typer that allows you to view flights above your location.

  1. Download the application's source code.
$ git clone https://github.com/k-zehnder/pyflycli
  1. Use Poetry to set up environment.
$ cd pyflycli/
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry shell 
$ poetry install
  1. Initialize the application
$ poetry run pyfly init
  1. List Responses
$ poetry run pyfly responses

Example 1

Work in progress

Example 2

Work in progress


Python Command Line Application (CLI) using Typer, Pydantic, SQLModel, PostgreSQL, and FastAPI


Language:Python 100.0%