k-erby / iot-spring-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo uses SpringMVC instead of JavaFX.


Kaitlin Erb, Marc-André Descoteaux

Design Document

The assn4 design doc is: Seng330_Assn4_designDoc.pdf

The assn3 design doc is: Seng330_Assn3_designDoc.pdf

Both versions have been kept to show the progress in the repo.

Contribute to the Repo

Creating a Branch and Making Changes

# Creating a branch
git checkout -b branch-name

# Make changes and see what files differ from master
git status

# Add modified files one at a time
git add {$specific file names}
# OR to add all files
git add .

Once small changes have been made, commit and push them.

git commit -m "Description of Changes"
git push origin branch-name

Merging Code

# update your origin/* pointers
git fetch
# checkout the branch you’re merging in (assumes branch-name points to origin/branch-name)
git checkout branch-name
# rebase the whole branch onto master:
git rebase origin/master

# update origin/branch name to the new rebased head
git push --force-with-lease origin branch-name
# point your master branch to latest origin/master
git checkout master && git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master
# merge in the branch and force a ‘merge commit’
git merge --no-ff branch-name -m "Merge 'your-branch-name'"
# push your changes; this will automagically resolve the Github PR
git push origin master
# if no issue with merge, you can now delete the branch locally
git branch -d branch-name
# put this deleted branch back into origin
git push origin :branch-name

See https://github.com/SENG330/course/blob/master/assignment3.md



Language:Java 75.4%Language:HTML 19.0%Language:CSS 5.6%