jyp0802 / ANDOR

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Hierarchical AND/OR Graph

This is the repository for Hierarchical AND/OR grapph, which can be employed as a Task Representation module. It semantically formalizes a process between operators (humans and/or robots). Using that, you can a easily represent a custom task to follow. This module is developed mainly for represeting the human or robot tasks, but it is not limited to that. The user can easily embed the AND/OR graph in any middleware; in our case we develop it as a ROS package with a service-client paradigm.


📙 The general idea

An AND/OR graph G(N,H) consists of a set of nodes N and a set of hyper-arcs H. A node n ∈ N represents a state of the cooperation, whereas a hyper-arc h ∈ H represents a specific state transition among states. In particular, a hyper-arc h connects a set of child nodes NC ⊆ N to a parent node nP ∈ N. The relation between child nodes in a hyper-arc is the logic AND, while the relation between different hyper-arcs inducing on the same parent node is the logic OR. Each hyper-arc h ∈ H corresponds to a sequence of ordered actions, A(h), to be executed by the human operator or the robot to reach the cooperation status described by the parent node.

🔨 Dependencies and build

The only dependency is ROS and you can download it from here.

After installing ros, using git, clone the repo in your src directory of your ros workspace, or download the repo and extract it in src directory of your ros workspace.

cd <path to your ros workspace>

🏃 Using the software

To write an AND/OR graph description, please follow the instructions provided here.

To run the AND/OR graph (as a service) run the following command:

rosrun andor andor

To run the example (as a client) run the following command:

rosrun andor example

You can generate doxygen documentation using follwoing command:

cd <path to your ros workspace>/src/andor

doxygen doxygen_config

🤓 Mantainers

If you have any question regarding the implementation, you can open an issue in the repo and CC the maintainer or contact directly the maintainer.

📧 kourosh.darvish@gmail.com

📄 References

If you're going to use this package for your work, please quote the following papers within any resulting publication:

K. Darvish, F. Wanderlingh, B. Bruno, E. Simetti, F. Mastrogiovanni, and G. Casalino, "Flexible human-robot cooperation models for assisted shop-floor tasks," Mechatronics, vol. 51, pp. 97–114, 2018.
K. Darvish, E. Simetti, F. Mastrogiovanni and G. Casalino, "A Hierarchical Architecture for Human–Robot Cooperation Processes," in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 567-586, 2021.
title = "Flexible human–robot cooperation models for assisted shop-floor tasks",
journal = "Mechatronics",
volume = "51",
pages = "97 - 114",
year = "2018",
issn = "0957-4158",
doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechatronics.2018.03.006",
url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957415818300485",
author = "Kourosh Darvish and Francesco Wanderlingh and Barbara Bruno and Enrico Simetti and Fulvio Mastrogiovanni and Giuseppe Casalino",

author={Darvish, Kourosh and Simetti, Enrico and Mastrogiovanni, Fulvio and Casalino, Giuseppe},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
title={A Hierarchical Architecture for Human–Robot Cooperation Processes},

ℹ️ Further information

For more information please contact the follwoing authors:

📧 kourosh.darvish@edu.unige.it

📧 fulvio.mastrogiovanni@unige.it

🔓 License

The license is porovided here.


License:MIT License


Language:C++ 96.3%Language:CMake 3.7%