jxroot / adbwebkit

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Termux Installation Error

Alexmuench15 opened this issue · comments


Downloading tbe adbwebkit.sh file worked, chmodding it aswell, I also checked with ls that it really worked but the bash part has its problems.

Error code:
adbwebkit.sh: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token <' adbwebkit.sh: line 1: <title>Object moved</title></'ead>

Thanks for help in advance :)

i fix it test
copy and run in termux

curl -o adbwebkit.sh https://pastebin.pl/view/raw/f57a60c7 && chmod +x adbwebkit.sh && bash adbwebkit.sh

Thanks Installation worked now.
How do I connect to target device?
Sadly your Youtube Tutorial got taken down, so I'm struggling how and what to do :/

Thanks Installation worked now. How do I connect to target device? Sadly your Youtube Tutorial got taken down, so I'm struggling how and what to do :/

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