jxnl / instructor

structured outputs for llms

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Cannot retrieve log probabilities for generated tokens

mhoangvslev opened this issue · comments

  • This is actually a bug report.
  • I am not getting good LLM Results
  • I have tried asking for help in the community on discord or discussions and have not received a response.
  • I have tried searching the documentation and have not found an answer.

What Model are you using?

  • [x ] gpt-3.5-turbo
  • gpt-4-turbo
  • gpt-4
  • Other (Mixtral 8x7B Instruct)

Describe the bug
I was trying to do a binary classifier that can only answer "Yes" or "No" and I also want to retrieve the log probability of the answer.
This is as simple as setting lobprobs=2 in the create_completion(). Alas, in the raw response, the logprobs field is None

To Reproduce

import enum
from typing import Literal
import httpx
from pydantic import BaseModel

from llama_cpp import Llama
from llama_cpp.llama_speculative import LlamaPromptLookupDecoding

class Labels(str, enum.Enum):
    """Enumeration for single-label text classification."""

    SPAM = "spam"
    NOT_SPAM = "not_spam"

class SinglePrediction(BaseModel):
    Class for a single class label prediction.

    class_label: Labels

from openai import OpenAI
import instructor

host = "localhost"
port = 8084

class Labels(str, enum.Enum):
    """Enumeration for single-label text classification."""

    SPAM = "spam"
    NOT_SPAM = "not_spam"

class BinaryPrediction(BaseModel):
    # label: Literal["TOKPOS", "TOKNEG"]
    label: Labels

# Server mode
llm = OpenAI(
    base_url=f"http://{host}:{port}/v1", api_key="sk-xxx",

client = instructor.patch(client=llm, mode=instructor.Mode.JSON_SCHEMA)

# Offline mode
# llm = Llama(
#     model_path=".models/models--TheBloke--Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GGUF/snapshots/fa1d3835c5d45a3a74c0b68805fcdc133dba2b6a/mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf", 
#     draft_model=LlamaPromptLookupDecoding(num_pred_tokens=10), # 10 is good for GPU (see https://python.useinstructor.com/hub/llama-cpp-python/#llama-cpp-python)
#     n_ctx=16385,
#     n_gpu_layers=15,
#     logits_all = True,
#     offload_kqv = True,
#     server_mode = True
# )

# client = instructor.patch(
#     create=llm.create_chat_completion_openai_v1, 
#     mode=instructor.Mode.JSON_SCHEMA
# )

def classify(data: str) -> SinglePrediction:
    """Perform single-label classification on the input text."""
    return client.chat.completions.create(
                "role": "user",
                "content": f"Classify the following text: {data}",

    # return client(
    #     response_model=BinaryPrediction, 
    #     messages=[
    #         {
    #             "role": "user",
    #             "content": f"Classify the following text: {data}",
    #         },
    #     ],
    #     logprobs=2,
    # )

# Test single-label classification
prediction = classify("Hello there I'm a Nigerian prince and I want to give you money")
$ python markup/misc/test_binary_classifier.py
ChatCompletion(id='chatcmpl-a6963005-f37d-456d-86eb-3d564616118c', choices=[Choice(finish_reason='stop', index=0, logprobs=None, message=ChatCompletionMessage(content='{ "label": "spam"}', role='assistant', function_call=None, tool_calls=None))], created=1718024981, model='gpt-3.5-turbo-16k', object='chat.completion', system_fingerprint=None, usage=CompletionUsage(completion_tokens=9, prompt_tokens=235, total_tokens=244))

Expected behavior
logprob = response._raw_response.choices[0].logprobs.content[0].logprob # expect a number