jwoglom / tconnectsync

Syncs insulin pump data from Tandem t:connect to Nightscout for the t:slim X2

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Profile sync

ChiSoxDev opened this issue · comments

Describe the problem
The PROFILES parameter in the --features property/run flag does not work. If you pull up help it is not listed either.

Additional context
If the feature is already coded which I assume by it's inclusion in the documentatiom, then I assume it just needs to be added as an accepted input for the function.

I have a Docker deployment.

Hi @ChiSoxDev, what version of tconnectsync are you using? I see PROFILES as an option within --features under tconnectsync --help in the latest release run via docker:

$ docker run --rm -it ghcr.io/jwoglom/tconnectsync/tconnectsync:v0.9.5 --help
usage: main.py [-h] [--version] [--pretend] [-v] [--start-date START_DATE] [--end-date END_DATE] [--days DAYS] [--auto-update] [--check-login]

Syncs bolus, basal, and IOB data from Tandem Diabetes t:connect to Nightscout.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --pretend             Pretend mode: do not upload any data to Nightscout.
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode: show extra logging details
  --start-date START_DATE
                        The oldest date to process data from. Must be specified with --end-date.
  --end-date END_DATE   The newest date to process data until (inclusive). Must be specified with --start-date.
  --days DAYS           The number of days of t:connect data to read in. Cannot be used with --from-date and --until-date.
  --auto-update         If set, continuously checks for updates from t:connect and syncs with Nightscout.
  --check-login         If set, checks that the provided t:connect credentials can be used to log in.
                        Specifies what data should be synchronized between tconnect and Nightscout.

Version 0.9.5

I will need to check my version number tomorrow, but I definitely do not have all those same options. Is v 0.9.3 ties to the "latest" channel in the docker image?


The latest tag should resolve to the most recent version but you can also try pinning specifically to the latest version. v0.9.5 was just released today.

Great! I'll try first thing tomorrow. Thank you for all the work you have done on this project. It's making an incredibly positive impact on people's lives!

I tested again. Loading the latest docker image gives an error. I don't think it's properly updating.

It looks like your latest is pulling v0.6.6. I'll specify the version. Thanks!

Interesting, I'll look into why GitHub is doing that. Glad you got it working