jwoglom / tconnectsync

Syncs insulin pump data from Tandem t:connect to Nightscout for the t:slim X2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

API Errors: Error occurred querying WS2 therapy_timeline_csv / get() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeout'

rehudson opened this issue · comments

Describe the problem
Hitting the URL I'm getting a lot of informaiton back, but I'm not seeing any information appear in Nightscout. There are errors in the output.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Loaded the URL with token

Have you followed the Troubleshooting steps in the README? (Yes or No)

Setup details

  • On what platform are you using the t:connect mobile app? (Android or iOS):
  • What version are you using of the t:connect mobile app?


Heroku log output
If applicable, add the full output from the heroku logs in More > View Logs. (See the instructions in the README.)
2022-11-05T13:34:07.545496+00:00 app[web.1]: API errors occurred. Please check the errors above.
2022-11-05T13:34:07.545496+00:00 app[web.1]: Created file tconnectsync-check-output.log containing additional debugging information.
2022-11-05T13:34:07.545497+00:00 app[web.1]: For support, you can upload this file to https://github.com/jwoglom/tconnectsync/issues/new
2022-11-05T13:34:07.545497+00:00 app[web.1]: The file -- but NOT the output printed above -- has been sanitized to remove sensitive data.
2022-11-05T13:34:07.545498+00:00 app[web.1]: Please verify and remove any sensitive data, such as your Nightscout URL/secret and pump serial number,
2022-11-05T13:34:07.545498+00:00 app[web.1]: as necessary.
2022-11-05T13:34:07.545521+00:00 app[web.1]:
2022-11-05T13:34:07.551752+00:00 app[web.1]: - - [05/Nov/2022:13:34:07 +0000] "GET /check_login?secret=5240ae1ff8c9324fc2886ff25b818177797854c223c4bfdf27cf02504c691dd9 HTTP/1.1" 200 396894 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
2022-11-05T13:39:21.068760+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/" host=**********-tconnectsync.herokuapp.com request_id=635a8645-7a03-4188-a8d1-7c22a5e0c8f8 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=10ms status=200 bytes=563 protocol=https
2022-11-05T13:39:21.069183+00:00 app[web.1]: - - [05/Nov/2022:13:39:21 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 409 "https://dashboard.heroku.com/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"

Check Login output
tconnectsync version 0.8.3
Python version 3.9.13 (main, May 24 2022, 21:31:40)
[GCC 11.2.0]
System platform linux
Running checks with time range 2022-11-04 13:34:01.042832 to 2022-11-05 13:34:01.042832
Current time: 2022-11-05 13:34:01.042910
time.tzname: ('UTC', 'UTC')
Loading secrets...
TIMEZONE_NAME: America/New_York

Logging in to t:connect ControlIQ API...
ControlIQ dashboard summary:
{'averageDailySleepMinutes': 781,
'averageReading': 132,
'cgmInactiveMinutes': 0,
'cgmInactivePercent': 0,
'controlIqOffPercent': 0,
'controlIqSetToOffMinutes': 0,
'pumpInactiveMinutes': 0,
'pumpInactivePercent': 0,
'timeInUseMinutes': 1440,
'timeInUsePercent': 100,
'totalDays': 1,
'weeklyExerciseEvents': 0}
tconnect_software_ver: t:connect
Querying ControlIQ therapy_timeline...
ControlIQ therapy_timeline:
{'basal': {'algorithmDeliveryEvents': [{'duration': 199,
'x': 1667545200,
'y': 2.142},
{'duration': 300,
'x': 1667545399,
'y': 2.192},
{'duration': 298,
'x': 1667545699,
'y': 1.819},
'x': 1667664566,
'y': 0.793}],
'profileDeliveryEvents': [],
'profileRates': [{'duration': 199, 'x': 1667545200, 'y': 0.7},
{'duration': 21555, 'x': 1667545399, 'y': 0.75},
{'duration': 53910, 'x': 1667566954, 'y': 0.8},
{'duration': 10774, 'x': 1667620864, 'y': 0.7},
{'duration': 21848, 'x': 1667631638, 'y': 0.75},
{'duration': 11332, 'x': 1667653486, 'y': 0.8}],
'tempDeliveryEvents': []},
'events': [{'continuation': 'previous',
'duration': 28862,
'eventType': 1,
'timeZoneId': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'x': 1667545200},
{'continuation': 'next',
'duration': 51216,
'eventType': 1,
'timeZoneId': 'America/Los_Angeles',
'x': 1667613602}],
'pumpFeatures': [{'features': {'controlIQ': {'dateTimeFirstDetected': '2021-11-22T10:49:41',
'feature': 1,
'unixTimestamp': 1637578181}},
'serialNumber': '880757'}],
'softwareUpdates': [],
'suspensionDeliveryEvents': [{'continuation': None,
'suspendReason': 'control-iq',
'x': 1667564260},
{'continuation': None,
'suspendReason': 'control-iq',
'x': 1667612783},
{'continuation': None,
'suspendReason': 'control-iq',
'x': 1667614878},
{'continuation': None,
'suspendReason': 'control-iq',
'x': 1667623858},
{'continuation': None,
'suspendReason': 'control-iq',
'x': 1667633135},
{'continuation': None,
'suspendReason': 'control-iq',
'x': 1667648395},
{'continuation': None,
'suspendReason': 'control-iq',
'x': 1667655280}]}
------ HUGE Block of Text Snipped as github said comment was too long ----
'eventDateTime': '2022-11-05T08:53:38',
'eventID': 256,
'eventTypeId': 0,
'indexId': 0,
'interactive': 0,
'requestDateTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00',
'serialNumber': '880757',
'sourceRecId': 0,
'tempRateActivated': 0,
'tempRateCompleted': 0,
'tempRateId': 0,
'type': 'CGM',
'uploadId': 0},
{'description': 'EGV',
'deviceType': 't:slim X2 Insulin Pump',
'egv': {'aboveTarget': 0,
'belowTarget': 0,
'estimatedGlucoseValue': 114,
'hyper': 0,
'hypo': 0,
'withinTarget': 1},
'eventDateTime': '2022-11-05T08:58:38',
'eventID': 256,
'eventTypeId': 0,
'indexId': 0,
'interactive': 0,
'requestDateTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00',
'serialNumber': '880757',
'sourceRecId': 0,
'tempRateActivated': 0,
'tempRateCompleted': 0,
'tempRateId': 0,
'type': 'CGM',
'uploadId': 0},
{'description': 'EGV',
'deviceType': 't:slim X2 Insulin Pump',
'egv': {'aboveTarget': 0,
'belowTarget': 0,
'estimatedGlucoseValue': 114,
'hyper': 0,
'hypo': 0,
'withinTarget': 1},
'eventDateTime': '2022-11-05T09:03:38',
'eventID': 256,
'eventTypeId': 0,
'indexId': 0,
'interactive': 0,
'requestDateTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00',
'serialNumber': '880757',
'sourceRecId': 0,
'tempRateActivated': 0,
'tempRateCompleted': 0,
'tempRateId': 0,
'type': 'CGM',
'uploadId': 0},
{'description': 'EGV',
'deviceType': 't:slim X2 Insulin Pump',
'egv': {'aboveTarget': 0,
'belowTarget': 0,
'estimatedGlucoseValue': 118,
'hyper': 0,
'hypo': 0,
'withinTarget': 1},
'eventDateTime': '2022-11-05T09:08:38',
'eventID': 256,
'eventTypeId': 0,
'indexId': 0,
'interactive': 0,
'requestDateTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00',
'serialNumber': '880757',
'sourceRecId': 0,
'tempRateActivated': 0,
'tempRateCompleted': 0,
'tempRateId': 0,
'type': 'CGM',
'uploadId': 0},
{'description': 'EGV',
'deviceType': 't:slim X2 Insulin Pump',
'egv': {'aboveTarget': 0,
'belowTarget': 0,
'estimatedGlucoseValue': 110,
'hyper': 0,
'hypo': 0,
'withinTarget': 1},
'eventDateTime': '2022-11-05T09:13:38',
'eventID': 256,
'eventTypeId': 0,
'indexId': 0,
'interactive': 0,
'requestDateTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00',
'serialNumber': '880757',
'sourceRecId': 0,
'tempRateActivated': 0,
'tempRateCompleted': 0,
'tempRateId': 0,
'type': 'CGM',
'uploadId': 0}],
'gapInData': 0,
'noData': 0}

Initializing t:connect WS2 API...
WS2 basaliq status:
{'BasalIQTech': {'AverageGlucoseOnResume': 0,
'AverageSuspensionDuration': 0,
'AverageSuspensionsPerDay': 0,
'AvgGlucoseOnSuspend': 0,
'AvgInactiveDays': 0,
'AvgInactiveHours': 0,
'AvgInactiveMinutes': 0,
'BiqDaysSetOff': 0,
'BiqHoursSetOff': 0,
'BiqMinutesSetOff': 0,
'BiqPercentSetOff': 0,
'CgmInactiveDays': 0,
'CgmInactiveHours': 0,
'CgmInactiveMinutes': 0,
'CgmInactivePercent': 0,
'DaysOn': 0,
'DaysSuspendedDay': 0,
'DaysSuspendedNight': 0,
'HoursOn': 0,
'HoursSuspendedDay': 0,
'HoursSuspendedNight': 0,
'MinutesSuspendedDay': 0,
'MinutesSuspendedNight': 0,
'PercentSuspendedDay': 0,
'PercentSuspendedNight': 0,
'PercentTimeOn': 0,
'PumpInactiveDays': 2,
'PumpInactiveHours': 0,
'PumpInactiveMinutes': 0,
'PumpInactivePercent': 100}}
Querying WS2 therapy_timeline_csv...
Error occurred querying WS2 therapy_timeline_csv. This is okay so long as you are not using the PUMP_EVENTS or IOB sync features.
get() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeout'

Logging in to t:connect Android API...
Android user profile:
{'age': 11,
'caregiverDateOfBirth': '**',
'caregiverFullName': 'Robert ',
'dateOfBirth': 'T00:00:00',
'hasBASALIQ': False,
'hasCGM': True,
'hasControlIQ': True,
'hyperThreshold': 171,
'hypoThreshold': 60,
'patientFullName': '
'targetBgHigh': 150,
'targetBgLow': 70,
'userID': '081b3701-3f3f-4f11-9a9e-c7d4bd709905'}
Android last uploaded event:
{'maxPumpEventIndex': 872386, 'processingStatus': 1}

Logging in to Nightscout...
Nightscout status:
{'apiEnabled': True,
'authorized': None,
'boluscalcEnabled': False,
'careportalEnabled': True,
'extendedSettings': {'devicestatus': {'advanced': True, 'days': 1}},
'name': 'nightscout',
'runtimeState': 'loaded',
'serverTime': '2022-11-05T13:34:07.208Z',
'serverTimeEpoch': 1667655247208,
'settings': {'DEFAULT_FEATURES': ['bgnow',
'adminNotifiesEnabled': True,
'alarmHigh': True,
'alarmHighMins': [30, 60, 90, 120],
'alarmLow': True,
'alarmLowMins': [15, 30, 45, 60],
'alarmPumpBatteryLow': False,
'alarmTimeagoUrgent': True,
'alarmTimeagoUrgentMins': '30',
'alarmTimeagoWarn': True,
'alarmTimeagoWarnMins': '15',
'alarmTypes': ['simple'],
'alarmUrgentHigh': True,
'alarmUrgentHighMins': [30, 60, 90, 120],
'alarmUrgentLow': True,
'alarmUrgentLowMins': [15, 30, 45],
'alarmUrgentMins': [30, 60, 90, 120],
'alarmWarnMins': [30, 60, 90, 120],
'authDefaultRoles': 'readable',
'authFailDelay': 5000,
'baseURL': '',
'customTitle': ********
'dayEnd': 21,
'dayStart': 7,
'deNormalizeDates': False,
'editMode': True,
'enable': ['careportal',
'focusHours': 3,
'frameName1': '',
'frameName2': '',
'frameName3': '',
'frameName4': '',
'frameName5': '',
'frameName6': '',
'frameName7': '',
'frameName8': '',
'frameUrl1': '',
'frameUrl2': '',
'frameUrl3': '',
'frameUrl4': '',
'frameUrl5': '',
'frameUrl6': '',
'frameUrl7': '',
'frameUrl8': '',
'heartbeat': 60,
'insecureUseHttp': False,
'language': 'en',
'nightMode': False,
'scaleY': 'log',
'secureCsp': False,
'secureHstsHeader': True,
'secureHstsHeaderIncludeSubdomains': False,
'secureHstsHeaderPreload': False,
'showClockDelta': False,
'showClockLastTime': False,
'showForecast': 'ar2',
'showPlugins': 'dbsize delta direction upbat rawbg',
'showRawbg': 'always',
'theme': 'colors',
'thresholds': {'bgHigh': 200,
'bgLow': 55,
'bgTargetBottom': 70,
'bgTargetTop': 170},
'timeFormat': 12,
'units': 'mg/dl'},
'status': 'ok',
'version': '14.2.5'}
Nightscout last uploaded basal:
Nightscout last uploaded bolus:

Last basal start time: 2022-11-05 09:09:26-04:00 (0:24:41.536664 ago)
Last basal duration: 4.2
Last reading time: None (n/a)

API errors occurred. Please check the errors above.
Created file tconnectsync-check-output.log containing additional debugging information.
For support, you can upload this file to https://github.com/jwoglom/tconnectsync/issues/new
The file -- but NOT the output printed above -- has been sanitized to remove sensitive data.
Please verify and remove any sensitive data, such as your Nightscout URL/secret and pump serial number,
as necessary.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Wanted to +1 on this -- got the exact same error.

Hi @rehudson @GWTiger -- I believe this issue was solved in v0.8.4 released several months ago -- please upgrade to the latest release (currently v0.8.10)