jwoglom / tconnectsync

Syncs insulin pump data from Tandem t:connect to Nightscout for the t:slim X2

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pip3 install tconnectsync - Permission Error CentOS/RHEL/RockyLinux 8

t1diotac opened this issue · comments


To perform a pip3 install on CentOS/RHEL/Rocky Linux 8 (mostly an out-of-the-box server install) I had to:
sudo dnf install python3
as my "wheel" user. I then created a non-privileged, limited user for tconnectsync:
sudo useradd -m t1d
And sudo'd to that user:
sudo su - t1d

Finally, when initially installing tconnectsync I received:

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/lib/python3.6'

I was able to get past this with:
pip3 install --user tconnectsync
Which should keep the entire install contained within my user's home directory. Easier for compartmentalizing apps, keeping the OS clean, and trying out different versions/installs/cleanup.

Hopefully that helps someone!

Closing since we got this added in the readme in #50