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Maven: mvn clean install --fail-at-end

jwenjian opened this issue · comments

--fail-at-end - if a particular module build fails, continue the rest of the reactor and report all failed modules at the end instead


For example, you have a project with 1 parent pom and several modules:


  • module_a/
    • pom.xml
  • module_b/
    • pom.xml
  • module_c/
    • pom.xml
  • pom.xml

Let's assume that the module_a is missing a.jar, module_c is missing c.jar.

When you execute command mvn clean install in the project folder, you will failed and know that module_a is missing a.jar.

You will not know that module_c has dependency issue because maven stoped continue building, so you fix the module_a's issue, run the command again, the module_c's issue is waiting for you, suprize!

With the command line option --fail-at-end, maven will continue the rest of the reactor and report all failed modules at the end, so that you can know that module_a and module_c both have dependency issue, module_a missing a.jar and module_c missing c.jar.

It's helpful!

But no suprize anymore, it's up to you 😈