jwasham / coding-interview-university

A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.

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Translation: Greek

amoraitis opened this issue · comments

#I will be contributing in the Greek .
Thread for coordinating Greek translation.
Associated pull request: #167

My fork

I want to also take part ! How do we go about doing this ? @amoraitis

@gmargaritis feel free to fork my repo, and open a pull request when you have something new!

@jwasham Add Labels like #upforgrabs #forbegginers or #helpneeded pleaaaseee

@amoraitis Me? I don't manage translations :) This is your translation.

@jwasham Yes, but i cannot edit labels in issues in your project...

@amoraitis Sorry για τη καθυστέρηση , είδα ότι στο τελευταίο commit έφτασες μέχρι Big-O , μπορώ πάρω από το Sorting μέχρι και το Even More Knowledge για αρχή ?

@gmargaritis ξεκινα απο εκει που το αφησα, μολις εισαι ετοιμος κανε p.r.

@amoraitis I made the labels for you. I didn't even know that was a thing!

@gmargaritis any progress? can i continue with translation or i should wait for a pr?

@amoraitis please continue ! I've been a bit busy these days , I'll make a pr when I have something ready

I am interested to continue the Greek translation. Is there anyone still working on that?

Hi @SteliosMalamas I haven't seen any movement on this for years. Feel free to open a new PR!
The last one was #167 in 2021.