jvmncs / safe-grid-agents

Training (hopefully) safe agents in gridworlds

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Improve dependency management

jvmncs opened this issue · comments

Right now, the repos we rely on are a bit of a mess. In particular, gym-ai-safety-gridworlds has a broken setup.py and ai-safety-gridworlds doesn't have one at all. We've also been relying on a submodule for using ai-safety-gridworlds, which I'd prefer to avoid long-term. Here's a plan for fixing this situation.

  • Maintain a fork of ai-safety-gridworlds with a proper setup.py (can ideally PR this back to the main repo)
  • Create the safe-grid-gym repo
    • Hard fork of gym_ai_safety_gridworlds using David's fork
    • Hard fork of ai-safety-gridworlds-viewer
    • Simplify setup.py, pointing to our fork of the ai-safety-gridworlds repo
    • Make sure to give proper attribution in the license
  • Simplify our own setup.py to match all of this

Do we want to keep using the fork we are currently using which also contains the modified tomato watering environment (https://github.com/jvmancuso/ai-safety-gridworlds)? Could be a problem, if we want to submit a PR for the setup.py

Yeah that's a good plan. We can submit the PR from a different branch but have our fork maintain our own environments as needed

Decided to include ai-safety-gridworlds-viewer in this, edited top-level comment to reflect changes

I updated our fork of ai-safety-gridworlds with a setup.py and created the new safe-grid-gym repo that combines the viewer and the gym environment.

Fixed on master as of #32