jverzani / CommonEq.jl

Share Eq definitions

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Version v0.2.1 broke equality with SymPy.jl

ranocha opened this issue · comments

I got the following CI failure using SymPy in a downstream package:

  MethodError: Eq(::SymPy.Sym, ::SymPy.Sym) is ambiguous.
    Eq(a::T, b::T) where T
      @ CommonEq ~/.julia/packages/CommonEq/DtDkN/src/CommonEq.jl:18
    Eq(ex::Number, args...; kwargs...)
      @ SymPy ~/.julia/packages/SymPy/S5qKW/src/importexport.jl:145
  Possible fix, define
    Eq(::T, ::T) where T<:Number

See https://github.com/ranocha/BSeries.jl/actions/runs/6846040525/job/18612114757?pr=178#step:7:369

As far as I understand, this is caused by the changes in the latest release of CommonEq.jl.

This two definitions are conflicting

Eq(a::T, b::T) where {T} = nothing

And the same ambiguity is for all other definitions too.
If we wanna keep one in here SymPy package should add Eq(ex1::Number, ex2::Number; kwargs...).

Yes, sorry about this. I was developing for a change to SymPy to use the common SymPyCore backend and failed to test this. I think the best bet is to upper bound the requirement. Thanks for letting me know.
