jverre / spacy-loggers

πŸ“Ÿ Logging utilities for spaCy

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spacy-loggers: Logging utilities for spaCy

PyPi Version

Starting with spaCy v3.2, alternate loggers are moved into a separate package so that they can be added and updated independently from the core spaCy library.

spacy-loggers currently provides loggers for:

If you'd like to add a new logger or logging option, please submit a PR to this repo!

Setup and installation

spacy-loggers should be installed automatically with spaCy v3.2+, so you usually don't need to install it separately. You can install it with pip or from the conda channel conda-forge:

pip install spacy-loggers
conda install -c conda-forge spacy-loggers




This logger requires wandb to be installed and configured:

pip install wandb
wandb login


spacy.WandbLogger.v4 is a logger that sends the results of each training step to the dashboard of the Weights & Biases tool. To use this logger, Weights & Biases should be installed, and you should be logged in. The logger will send the full config file to W&B, as well as various system information such as memory utilization, network traffic, disk IO, GPU statistics, etc. This will also include information such as your hostname and operating system, as well as the location of your Python executable.

Note that by default, the full (interpolated) training config is sent over to the W&B dashboard. If you prefer to exclude certain information such as path names, you can list those fields in "dot notation" in the remove_config_values parameter. These fields will then be removed from the config before uploading, but will otherwise remain in the config file stored on your local system.

Example config

@loggers = "spacy.WandbLogger.v4"
project_name = "monitor_spacy_training"
remove_config_values = ["paths.train", "paths.dev", "corpora.train.path", "corpora.dev.path"]
log_dataset_dir = "corpus"
model_log_interval = 1000
Name Type Description
project_name str The name of the project in the Weights & Biases interface. The project will be created automatically if it doesn't exist yet.
remove_config_values List[str] A list of values to exclude from the config before it is uploaded to W&B (default: []).
model_log_interval Optional[int] Steps to wait between logging model checkpoints to the W&B dasboard (default: None). Added in spacy.WandbLogger.v2.
log_dataset_dir Optional[str] Directory containing the dataset to be logged and versioned as a W&B artifact (default: None). Added in spacy.WandbLogger.v2.
run_name Optional[str] The name of the run. If you don't specify a run name, the name will be created by the wandb library (default: None). Added in spacy.WandbLogger.v3.
entity Optional[str] An entity is a username or team name where you're sending runs. If you don't specify an entity, the run will be sent to your default entity, which is usually your username (default: None). Added in spacy.WandbLogger.v3.
log_best_dir Optional[str] Directory containing the best trained model as saved by spaCy (by default in training/model-best), to be logged and versioned as a W&B artifact (default: None). Added in spacy.WandbLogger.v4.
log_latest_dir Optional[str] Directory containing the latest trained model as saved by spaCy (by default in training/model-latest), to be logged and versioned as a W&B artifact (default: None). Added in spacy.WandbLogger.v4.



This logger requires mlflow to be installed and configured:

pip install mlflow


spacy.MLflowLogger.v1 is a logger that tracks the results of each training step using the MLflow tool. To use this logger, MLflow should be installed. At the beginning of each model training operation, the logger will initialize a new MLflow run and set it as the active run under which metrics and parameters wil be logged. The logger will then log the entire config file as parameters of the active run. After each training step, the following actions are performed:

  • The final score is logged under the metric score.
  • Individual component scores are logged under their default names.
  • Loss values of different components are logged with the loss_ prefix.
  • If the final score is higher than the previous best score (for the current run), the model artifact is additionally uploaded to MLflow. This action is only performed if the output_path argument is provided during the training pipeline initialization phase.

By default, the tracking API writes data into files in a local ./mlruns directory.

Note that by default, the full (interpolated) training config is sent over to MLflow. If you prefer to exclude certain information such as path names, you can list those fields in "dot notation" in the remove_config_values parameter. These fields will then be removed from the config before uploading, but will otherwise remain in the config file stored on your local system.

Example config

@loggers = "spacy.MLflowLogger.v1"
experiment_id = "1"
run_name = "with_fast_alignments"
nested = False
remove_config_values = ["paths.train", "paths.dev", "corpora.train.path", "corpora.dev.path"]
Name Type Description
run_id Optional[str] Unique ID of an existing MLflow run to which parameters and metrics are logged. Can be omitted if experiment_id and run_id are provided (default: None).
experiment_id Optional[str] ID of an existing experiment under which to create the current run. Only applicable when run_id is None (default: None).
run_name Optional[str] Name of new run. Only applicable when run_id is None (default: None).
nested bool Controls whether run is nested in parent run. True creates a nested run (default: False).
tags Optional[Dict[str, Any]] A dictionary of string keys and values to set as tags on the run. If a run is being resumed, these tags are set on the resumed run. If a new run is being created, these tags are set on the new run (default: None).
remove_config_values List[str] A list of values to exclude from the config before it is uploaded to MLflow (default: []).


πŸ“Ÿ Logging utilities for spaCy

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%