jvcleave / ofxOMXPlayer

OpenMax accelerated video player for openFrameworks on the Raspberry Pi 0-3. Does not work with RPI4

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

audio low level or distorted

dasoe opened this issue · comments


Hi jvcleave,

thanks for this great addon I am heavily using for years now!
I just upgraded a much used media player that w e developed for use in a museum. New version based on raspbian stretch, OF 0.10 and new (release version) of ofxOmxPlayer. All works very well - except Audio (HDMI) starts to be distorted when volume exceeds 0.5 %. I also did direct compare old an d new player: audio on new player is quite low when not distorted.
Might this be a problem in ofxOMXPlayer or did I oversee something?

thanks for any hints

not really sure - I currently don't have a way to check against the old

my guess would be to look around here:



I see, thank you. I think leveling is not so much a problem. Rather the maximum possible volume I can get without disturbances seems quite low to me. A HDMI Screen with audio I used before is near to unusable now. But leaving old/new comparison aside: am I the only one out there with the problem "low volume or disturbances"? Might as well be a global jessie->stretch problem, I just don't find anything...

thanks for any hints

P.S.: example-playback-controls is perfect to see the problem. 12 db (Volume 0.6) is working, next step already starts giving disturbances in loud moments.


I think after some chekcing this problem is related to the core. Not sure if it would be a good idea to restrict the maximum volume in ofxOmxPlayer due to a problem outside, that might be temporary (so that we later can not use full power).
Also no one else reported. So closing the issue. Thanks!