jvcleave / ofxOMXPlayer

OpenMax accelerated video player for openFrameworks on the Raspberry Pi 0-3. Does not work with RPI4

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calling close() while playing in direct mode with audio will throw segmentation fault

gepatto opened this issue · comments

Calling close() while playing a video in direct mode with audio will throw segmentation fault.
When you disable audio, setings.enableAudio=false it doesn't crash.

The same segfault happens when the video is done playing at the end and you call close()

Tested on 'example-direct-mode' with OF 0.10.1 on a rpi3b+ (256mb GPU split)

Can you provide some sample code? This is working for me in ofApp::update and ofApp::draw

if(ofGetFrameNum() == 400)
        ofLog() << "closing";

Oh I see I gave the wrong example name. I was using example-playback-controls, set settings.enableTexture = false; and while the video was playing pressed the 'q' key.
It's playing the default BigBunny mov

It's openFrameworks 0.10.1 on a fresh latest raspbian,
with the latest git commit of ofxOMXPlayer (but tried latest release as well)
on a Pi3B+ with a 1280x800 (touch) monitor without internal speakers!

I have another pi here, a Pi3B, still running of 0.10.0
I'll do some more testing and try your code example above as well.

ok, using the example-direct-mode on openframeworks 0.10.1:
I have to set either enableAudio or useHDMIForAudio to false (monitor without internal speakers!)
otherwise nothing is drawn to screen but it doesn't segfault when using your piece of code above.

ok cool - what I am guess is happening is the audio player is failing to open because of the monitor type. It's not in the example but ofxOMXPlayer::setup returns a bool so you could check via

bool didOpen = omxPlayer.setup(settings);

Now I see that if I use the same bool construct as doPause
and call omxPlayer.close(); in update ()
it doesn't segfault.

probably a Threading thing?

yeah - often you don't want to do things on key press if there are graphics involved. it's safer to set a variable and then do the method in update or draw (so it happens on the main thread)

Ok thanks for the help!

The omxPlayer.close() on pressing 'q' is there in the example-playback-controls on git.
I think we should remove it there and use a doClose bool construct.
would you like me to Fork an PR?

thanks - I may do it internally

e.g. set a doClose variable in ofxOMXPlayer::close

then actually close here:


However I am a bit worried how it would effect the destructor as I don't think it would wait for the onUpdate call. Will have to test