jvang2003 / SACS-Php

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The Sabre API Code Samples for PHP project’s purpose is to provide the reference code and enable quick and easy start to consuming Sabre Webservices. It focuses on business case usage, so it shows how to chain several REST calls into a workflow, where the subsequent call uses the previous one’s result. Its structure is designed to easily reuse parts of the classes, whole classes, modules or even whole project in client’s applications.

Configuring the application

The configuration is located in SACSRestConfig.ini file. It keeps the properties which are needed to connect and authenticate to the Sabre’s REST webservices. They are being read by the SACSConfig class, which contains the getRestProperty() which reads the value of the property. For configuration for SOAP webservices look into the SACSSoapConfig.ini file, and you can retrieve them using the getSoapProperty() method.

Your credentials available in the Sabre Dev Studio are given in such a format: V1:userId:group:domain, so they should be put into separate properties in the .ini file.

Although the credentials are not encrypted right now to lower the project entry time, it is strongly recommended to use the encryption in production systems and do not keep the credentials in plain text.

Please register at https://developer.sabre.com in order to obtain your own credentials.

Running the application

In the php.ini file, enable the following modules by uncommenting those lines:

  • extension=php_curl.dll
  • extension=php_mbstring.dll
  • extension=php_openssl.dll
  • extension=php_soap.dll

Run the application by executing: php -S localhost:8000 from the project folder.

In order to execute the example REST workflow, go to http://localhost:8000/form.html, input and submit all the fields. To run the SOAP workflow, simply go to http://localhost:8000/start_soap_workflow.php.

Quickstart “How to”

The workflow’s activities are written as implementation of the Activity interface from the workflow folder, which contains one abstract method run() which takes the shared context as the parameter. The implementation should construct the request object (or just setup the URL, like in the InstaFlight case), execute a rest call, insert the call’s result into the sharedContext and return the next activity to be run.



This module provides configuration of REST webservice calls. It contains the endpoint address and credentials to connect there, which are not encrypted. The encryption and decryption methods should be included there.


A folder containing ways to communicate with Sabre’s REST webservices. The RestClient contains methods for GET and POST calls, which can be used to easily execute REST calls. It uses the TokenHolder class, which takes care of providing token to authenticate the call, which is obtained by executing the Auth class’ callForToken() method.

Rest Activities

The package contains three implementations of the Activity interface from the Workflow module. The LeadPriceCalendarActivity executes the GET call, the InstaFlightActivity uses a hypermedia link from the result of the LeadPriceCalendar call, and the BargainFinderMaxActivity runs a POST call.

##Soap This part of the project delivers the connectivity with Sabre's SOAP webservices. It consists of several classes, which are used to authenticate, build and run a request.

  • SACSSoapClient - a class used to execute the SOAP webservice call. It is based on PHP's CURL functionality. In order to use it, one should construct its instance with the request's action name as a parameter. If the request being run is the first in a workflow, SACSSoapClient creates a session using the SessionCreateRequest class, which is based on the PHP's built-in SoapClient. If the request being run is the last in a workflow, class runs the IgnoreTransaction and SessionClose (IgnoreTransactionRequest and SessionCloseRequest classes) calls to clean up and close the session created by the first call.
  • XMLSerializer - a class which builds request payload XMLs from associative array. The array has some special fields, which are used to generate the proper XML, which can be consumed by the webservice:
    • _attributes - should be an array, where all the attributes of the tag should be placed. For example the array:

      array("RootElement" => array(
          "_attributes" => array("Version" => "1.9.2"),

      will turn into:

      <RootElement Version="1.9.2">...</RootElement>
    • _namespace - a string which will be transformed into element's xmlns attribute.

    • _value - used in case, where an element has _attributes or _namespace array, no subelements and a text value. For example:

      array("RootElement" => array(
          "_attributes" => array("Version" => "1.9.2"),
          "_value" => "Text value of an attributed tag"

      will turn into:

      <RootElement Version="1.9.2">Text value of an attributed tag</RootElement>

      When an element has no attributes, no namespace and no subelements, it can be defined like this:

      array("RootElement" => "Contents of a RootElement");

      and will be serialized to:

      <RootElement>Contents of a RootElement</RootElement>

For reference, on how to create payload arrays, have a look at the classes from the soap_activities folder, where the request payloads are being created.

##Soap Activities A folder containing implementations of the Activity interface. The activities placed there make up the following workflow:

  • Bagain Finder Max
  • Passenger Details adding passenger name and contact only
  • Enhanced Air Book using the first PricedItinerary option returned from Bargain Finder Max call
  • Passenger Details adding the rest of the required PNR information
  • Travel Itinerary Read

All of them set the the SACSSoapClient's lastInFlow property to indicate, whether the session used should be closed after executing this activity. The requests and results are being added to the sharedContext, which is being passed throughout the whole workflow.


Module used to run a sequence of activities. Each activities’ run() method returns the next activity to be run, until there is no more.


Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability

This software and any compiled programs created using this software are furnished “as is” without warranty of any kind, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. No oral or written information or advice given by Sabre, its agents or employees shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of this warranty, and you may not rely on any such information or advice. Sabre does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of the use, of this software, compiled programs created using this software, or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of this software and any compiled applications created using this software is assumed by you. Neither Sabre nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of this software shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use such product even if Sabre has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 94.4%Language:HTML 5.6%