juzzlin / Heimer

Heimer is a simple cross-platform mind map, diagram, and note-taking tool written in Qt.

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Edge text doesn't support Chinese fully

hongnod opened this issue · comments

Scene: Type Chinese text into an Edge. when mouse on the text, it will show, when mouse move out that text, text will disappear. and saved file lack of the typed Chinese.
2022-09-07 10-54-12.zip

Thanks for reporting!

I watched your video clip and that's definitely strange. Which Heimer version is that?

As I don't know how I could type Chinese on a Western keyboard I tried to copy-paste some Chinese text from Google Translate and I couldn't reproduce the issue that way with Heimer 3.6.0.

Does this happen for you when copy-pasting Chinese text on the edge text input?

I need a way to reproduce this.

Thanks for reporting!
You are welcome
I watched your video clip and that's definitely strange. Which Heimer version is that?
As I don't know how I could type Chinese on a Western keyboard I tried to copy-paste some Chinese text from Google Translate and I couldn't reproduce the issue that way with Heimer 3.6.0.

Does this happen for you when copy-pasting Chinese text on the edge text input?
Copy-pasted text works fine in my side too.
I need a way to reproduce this.
IME text

Very strange

same issue

Some questions:

  1. Windows or Linux version?

  2. Does this work in older Heimer versions like 3.5.0?

  3. Does the node text work properly?

linux version, just 3.6.0. Chinse character can't be saved.

I managed to reproduce this on Ubuntu (input method Pinyin) and it seems that for some reason you need to press Enter to get the text "confirmed" after typing the desired text in Chinese.

Not sure if there's anything I can do about this as I'm just using Qt's text input widget.

hhh, maybe next version will be fixed. 3.5.0 is ok.

hhh, maybe next version will be fixed. 3.5.0 is ok.

Really? That's weird, because I tested also with 3.5.0 and it had the same issue (also the node texts, not just edge texts).

Actually it seems that you may also press the arrow right (probably also some other keys) to "commit" the entered text. Then it will be saved. To me this looks like a bug in Qt.

Actually I press space key to "commit" the text,so it's can't be saved. It's not a big issue.

I'll close this one due to no activity.