juxt / bidi

Bidirectional URI routing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

match-route fails for %20 space representation

deadghost opened this issue · comments

Basic Example:

(def routes
  ["/" {[:foo] :bar}])

(match-route routes "/Test")
=> {:route-params {:foo "Test"}, :handler :bar}

(match-route routes "/Test%20Project")
=> nil

This is a blocker for me too. Stuck, can't complete the project using Yada.

  (defn test-app
    ["" [["/ping" (y/as-resource "pong\n")]
         ["/rooms" [[["/" :alias] (y/as-resource "what")]]]]])

(b/match-route (test-app) "/rooms/foo%3Abar")

@kenrestivo I ended up not needing the spaces but IIRC the workaround at #147 (comment) worked.

It worked, thanks!!

Might be good to have in the documentation.