justvanrossum / fontgoggles

FontGoggles: Visual OTL Preview and QA

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature Request: Character / glyph table

behdad opened this issue · comments

Maybe it's already there and I don't find it, but a character and glyph table viewer would be nice. I want to browse a font's coverage and inspect it visually in a glance.

Duplicate of #56 and #59.

It would be a pretty big new feature, and is currently out of scope, given the funding status of FontGoggles.

This is the sort of thing that https://wakamaifondue.com/ should be good at (at least for binary fonts).

Thanks. I might take a stab at it at some point.


The reason I like to do in FontGoggles is because then I can render with latest (experimental) features in HarfBuzz without building Chrome with those.

Makes sense. A fonttools + uharfbuzz script that would output an SVG with the full glyph set could perhaps be a short term solution.


Count my vote as well. I was looking for a Mac application which would let me see every glyph that is available in fonts that I'm inspecting, and thought that FontGoggles would do it.