justjanne / powerline-go

A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell, written in go

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Very slow startup for PowerShell 7.3.x on Windows 10

IkerGimenez opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
PowerShell Core takes several seconds (over 10) to show a prompt and respond to input. When I disable powerline-go in my Profile.ps1 file, the problem no longer happens.

To Reproduce

  1. Install PowerShell Core (latest) on Windows 10
  2. Confirm that PowerShell starts up in the expected amount of time
  3. Install powerline-go
  4. Run PowerShell again. The prompt should be considerably slower to show up.
  5. Comment out the loading of powerline-go in Profile.ps1
  6. Try running PowerShell again and see that it's back to its expected startup time

Expected behavior
Startup time should not be affected (or negligible in terms of effect on startup times).

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Architecture: Intel 64 bit x86
  • Shell: PowerShell

Additional context
I've reproduced it both in Windows Terminal and the plain PowerShell prompt, so it's not Windows Terminal related. It's also not font related, as changing fonts doesn't solve the problem. I haven't tried using an older version of PowerShell Core.