justjanne / powerline-go

A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell, written in go

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How to display git remote for tracking branch?

mloskot opened this issue · comments

I used to use git-prompt.sh which displays name of remote for tracking branch in Git Bash prompt, like so:

I am failing to find out how to achieve the same with the awesome powerline-go (Thanks!).
Is it possible?

p.s. Since the Discussions are not enabled, I've taken the liberty to ask question via Issues. I hope it's OK.

Not natively I think. But via a plugin that does what the git-prompt.sh shell function responsible for that segment does and outputs it appropriately it should be doable; more info in the -module option docs about unrecognized modules.

Thanks for the directions. If I come up with anything on my end, I'll share it.
I think this can be close as answered now.