justjanne / powerline-go

A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell, written in go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No customization works

quarkquartet opened this issue · comments

I'm installing this powerline-go on my macOS Big Sur. My shell is zsh. I have golang version 1.16.2.

After I put the code in the .zshrc file, my powerline takes effect. However when I want to customize it, nothing works. It behaves like in the following figure:


How can I fix this?


Hi there, you should put your args for customization in your ~/.zshrc rather than calling it directly

Hi there, you should put your args for customization in your ~/.zshrc rather than calling it directly

Thank you. I changed the part
function powerline_precmd(){PS1="..."} Now it works.