justinpinkney / stable-diffusion

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My images are not being edited much

UmbertoTomasini opened this issue · comments

I want to use this implementation of Imagic to modify images like the following:


which is obtained upscaling an image of a CIFAR10 horse through https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler#examples

I want to edit it to have its front legs raised. I used the prompt:

"A photo of a horse with his front legs raised"

After setting up Imagic (I think correclty since I can reproduce the Obama example in the notebook), I get the following:

  1. I can reconstruct the original image, in a 512x512 version
  2. The generated modified images are all almost identical to the original (just the horse is a bit translated and the background color changes).

How can I use Imagic to edit the aforementioned image, generating the desired prompt?

I get the same problem (generated edited images almost identical to the original one) also with other examples like (with prompt " a photo of a cat closing his eyes") :
