justinhachemeister / Sundew.Xaml.Optimizations

XAML optimizations for improved performance and designer support

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Refer to the sample for how to use optimizations: https://github.com/hugener/Sundew.Xaml.Optimizer.Sample

Supported optimizations:


The ResourceDictionaryCachingOptimizer enables caching for merged ResourceDictionaries and has the following advantages:

  1. Merged ResourcesDictionaries are only loaded once.
  2. Tooling and designers will not break, because they see the original WPF ResourceDictionary.
  3. Less overhead maintaining DesignTimerResources.


The optimizer changes all WPF Freezable classes such as brushes to frozen unless po:Freeze="False" is set.
This improves performance by avoiding that WPF has to clone brushes during render.
Note that brushes that get modified at runtime must set po:Freeze="False, otherwise exceptions will be thrown at runtime.
For more information about presentation options see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/presentationoptions-freeze-attribute

FreezeResourceOptimizer supports the following settings:

  • IncludeFrameworkTypes (true/false), default true => Includes all WPF freezables.
  • IncludedTypes (List of xaml type names), default null => Additional freezables to be included.
  • ExcludedTypes (List of xaml type names), default null => Freezables to be excluded.
    Types in IncludedTypes and ExcludedTypes that does not include a XML namespace will use the WPF presentation namespace.


XAML optimizations for improved performance and designer support

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%