justanr / StupidParse

A stupid simple way to parse things and stuff.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Kind of stupid name, eh?

Tired of parsing things stupidly with long lists of if, elif and finally and else. Wish Python had a switch statement? Well, maybe not a switch statement.

Welcome to StupidParse

Here's a quick example of how easy it is:

    >>> from StupidParse import StupidParser
    >>> p = StupidParser(corpus="The Knights Who Say Ni!")
    >>> p.register_rule(key=True, trigger=lambda x: "Ni!" in x, callback="It!")
    >>> p.run()
    ... "It!"

A more realistic example would be:

    from StupidParse import StupidParser
    p = StupidParser(corpus="The Knights Who Say Ni!")
    p.register_rule(key=True, trigger=lambda x: "Ni!" in x, callback=MyCallback)
    action = p.run()


StupidParse has a stupid simple API and it's stupid simple to expand on.


  • StupidParser accepts a corpus upon creation, though submitting on is optional. It defaults to None. It also accepts a default value to return which also defaults (defaultception) to None.
  • StupidParser.run also accepts a corpus, which is also optional.
  • StupidParser.run calls each rule registered to it (through their run method) sequentially and returns the first rule that's triggered. Otherwise it returns StupidParser.default.
  • Rules are registered with (surprise) StupidParser.register_rule. This is essentially a factory method. Key, Trigger and Callback are all required arguements. There's also the rule arguement if you want to pass a different rule type to register, but defaults to the basic StupidParse.StupidRule.


  • StupidRule accepts a key, a trigger and a callback upon creation, none of these are optional.
  • StupidRule.trigger must be callable and return a value comparable to StupidRule.key. It also only accepts a corpus as it's only input (see below though)
  • StupidRule.run returns StupidRule.callback if the trigger return value matches the key. Callback can be anything. :)

###StupidParseError This is currently not implemented. But is included for expansion's sake. Feel free to raise and catch them as you please when using StupidParse.

Other Examples

###Getting StupidRule.trigger to accept multiple inputs. You though the trigger could only accept one value? That's true when you register it. But what if you want to run a regex on the corpus. Yeah, you could compile it. But if you're using it once, that's just more overhead. You could use a factory:

    >>> import re
    >>> def regex_trigger_factory(pattern):
    ...     def trigger(corpus):
    ...         return re.match(pattern, corpus)
    ...     return trigger

Or functools:

    >>> import re
    >>> from functools import partial
    >>> trigger = partial(re.match, "\bNi!\b")

Or use the __call__ method on a class:

    class MyTrigger(object):
        def __init__(self, regex="\bNi!\b"):
            self.regex = regex

        def __call__(self, corpus):
            return re.match(self.regex, corpus)

The possibilities are endless.

###Expanding StupidParser

Defining a custom custom parser is easy:

    class MyParser(StupidParser):

If you wanted to return all Rules that match your corpus, a simple modification to StupidParser.run is needed:

    class AllRulesParser(StupidParser):
        def run(corpus=None):
            corpus = self.corpus or corpus
            rules = []
            for rule in self._rules:
                if  rule.run(corpus)

             return rules or self.default

###Expanding StupidRule

If you want to define a custom Rule type, it's easy.

    class MyRule(StupidRule):

Let's say you wanted to autoload the corpus into the callback:

    class AutoloadCorpusRule(StupidRule):
        def run(corpus):
            if self.key == self.trigger(corpus):
                self.callback = callback(corpus)
                return True
            return False

You'd register it like this then:

    from StupidParse import StupidParser
    from rules import AutoloadCorpusRule
    def mycallback(corpus):
        print corpus

    p = StupidParser(corpus="The Knights Who Say Ni!", default=None)
    p.register_rule(key=True, trigger=lambda x: "Ni!" in corpus, callback=mycallback, rule=AutoloadCorpusRule)


A stupid simple way to parse things and stuff.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%