justadudewhohacks / tfjs-tiny-yolov2

Tiny YOLO v2 object detection with tensorflow.js.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Loss reduced, but not result with net.detect

lchanouha opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to train my object detection model.
I can successfully see the loss fastly decreased:

noObjectLoss[0]: 211
objectLoss[0]: 0.051
coordLoss[0]: 0.8326
classLoss[0]: 0
totalLoss[0]: 211.8837


noObjectLoss[0]: 0.0006
objectLoss[0]: 4.8865
coordLoss[0]: 0.0001
classLoss[0]: 0
totalLoss[0]: 4.8873

by as the totalloss decrease, objectloss increases and net.detect does not provide any results anymore, even with one single image used for training and threshold at 0.1. It comes from a result of 169 ObjectDetection array after first epoch to 0.

I do not think that thje problem comes from my training data since the problem occurs even with static single image.

Does someone have an idea ?

After significantly increase learning rate, i got after few steps:

Error: Box.constructor - expected box to be IBoundingBox | IRect, instead have {"left":0.6,"top":null,"right":0.6,"bottom":null}
at BoundingBox.Box (Box.js:11)
at new BoundingBox (BoundingBox.js:7)
at TinyYolov2Trainable.TinyYolov2.extractBoxes (TinyYolov2.ts:236)
at TinyYolov2Trainable.computeLoss (TinyYolov2Trainable.ts:114)
at TinyYolov2Trainable.ts:75
at tf-core.esm.js:17
at tf-core.esm.js:17
at e.scopedRun (tf-core.esm.js:17)
at e.tidy (tf-core.esm.js:17)
at e.gradients (tf-core.esm.js:17)

Did you solved this problem? I also succeed training, but It detects nothing

@Juwan-s After a lot of tries I gaved up this lib. Box detection decreases as much as the loss.
They must me be some problem with input/output on training.