jurassiscripts / velociraptor

The npm-style script runner for Deno

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"write" permission not allowed in list of values for "allow"

nnmrts opened this issue · comments

While trying to configure my module scripts, I stumbled upon a squiqqly orange warning underline in Visual Studio Code (using https://github.com/jurassiscripts/vscode-velociraptor) after adding "write" to the list of permissions under the key "allow" in my scripts.json:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-27 um 10 42 43

Examining this further, it seems like the value "write" is not in the list of allowed values, even though it should be:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-27 um 10 43 14

According to the readme of velociraptor, the section Permissions states that Deno permissions can be specified using the allow key, of which all but "write" can be specified without a warning.

I created this issue here because the vscode extension (at least at the moment) is only a "wrapper" around code in this repository and any fix there would actually be a fix here.

My suggestion would be to add write?: string | boolean; here to the AllowFlags interface in scripts_config.ts, for which I will add a PR shortly.

You're absolutely right @nnmrts, thank you so much for reporting and fixing this! 🙂

Hi, this is still an issue on the version of the types suggested in the docs here

@jakeHL you mean in the screenshot or in the manual type annotation? Version v1.1.0 of the extension should show the write permission correctly

Sorry it wasn't very clear. I mean on the import statement here:

I've created a PR for the docs project here

You're right! Actually some time ago I added a data provider that fetches the last vr version automatically at build time but I forgot to use it in this section. I fixed this while I was working on the dark theme, you should see the right version now! Thank you so much for the PR anyway 🙂

No worries, yours is a better solution. Thanks for updating, love the project.