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Allow a workspace to provide a kernel spec

itcarroll opened this issue · comments


  • The Launcher quickly becomes crowded with project specific kernels.
  • Project specific kernels (typically installed via ipykernel with the --user flag) can easily have name conflicts.

Proposed Solution

As the notion of a "project" becomes more tightly linked to JupyterLab's workspace feature, a nice improvement would be the ability to assign to each workspace a list of kernels (often pointing to conda or virtual environments created from a project's pyproject.toml or environment.yml files). These workspace kernels would not appear in the Launcher of the default workspace, only in the Launcher (and associated drop-down menus) of the current workspace.

My naive understanding leads me to think a kernels key could be added to the *.jupyterlab-workspace spec that mirrors (in json) the directory structure and content of share/jupyter/kernels. But I'm just a user!

Additional context

The amazing improvements to the workspace feature contributed by @krassowski are going to bring more users to workspaces. The features discussed in #12916 could be connected with the implementation of the feature proposed here.

I'm a single JupyterLab multiple workspaces kind of guy, not a JupyterLab per project kind of guy. This is mainly because I use JupyterLab containers spun off from a JupyterHub, and have no desire to maintain containers for every project.

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I see why it would be useful to associate which kernels are shown with a workspace. I am not sure how this should be implemented - adding needs discussion label.

The Launcher quickly becomes crowded with project specific kernels.

You may be interested in jupyterlab-new-launcher