jupyterlab / jupyterlab-git

A Git extension for JupyterLab

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No Compatability with jupyter-collaboration-extension

wuerfelfreak opened this issue · comments


jupyterlab-git does not seem to work in combination with the jupyter-collaboration-extension.
It says in the git-tab: RTC: is not a Git repository. To use Git, navigate to a local repository, initialize a repository here, or clone an existing repository. despite there being a repo in the current directory.


The problem seems to have to do with the fact that jupyter-collaboration-extension prepends RTC: to the tree path.


  1. Install jupyter-lab 4.0.5
  2. pip install jupyter-collaboration
  3. pip install --pre jupyterlab-git==0.50.0a1
  4. clone any repository
  5. enter that repository
  6. see the git tab

Expected behavior

Should recognize the repository.


  • Python package version
  • Extension version:
  • Git version:
    git version 2.39.2
  • Operating System and its version:
    docker python:3.11.5

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Thanks @wuerfelfreak

This is a duplicate of #1282; for information I just released 0.50.0a2 that has the fix for it.