jupyterhub / jupyterhub

Multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks

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modifyable api_page_default_limit variable on the admin page

szazs89 opened this issue · comments

Proposed change

It is rather annoying that the number of the listed servers (api_page_default_limit?) cannot be changed on the admin page,
but only use the number fixed in jupyterhub_config.py.

It would help the administration of jupyter HUB very much if this number could be changed on the admin page.

Alternative options

The variable api_page_default_limit can be changed in jupyterhub_config.py, however, this requires restarting the server.

Who would use this feature?

Most of the users with admin access.

(Optional): Suggest a solution

Completing the admin page template(?) with a choice box (50|100|200|500) or input box.

The admin pages should definitely have control for selecting the number of items on the page. This should probably be able to come from the URL. In fact, all input parameters should be in the URL so refreshing the page doesn't result in a change of view.

Existing API parameters that should be supported in UI:

  • state (not settable at all)
  • limit (not persisted)
  • offset (in UI via pager, not persisted)
  • name_filter (in UI, not persisted)

and order_by should be in the UI if/when #3816 is implemented on the API side.

I don't think the admin page should be able to modify the Hub's internal API limits, which would affect other requests and not persist across hub restarts, but it should certainly be able to control the current browser's view.