jupyterhub / chartpress

automate building and publishing images for helm charts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PR Discussion: Let --publish-chart use --dependency-update on the helm package call

consideRatio opened this issue · comments

@jhamman @scottyhq, I recall there was some issue with a dependency chart that didn't update. I imagine that it may be very relevant to have the --publish-chart flag make a call to helm package including the --dependency-update flag. Currently, we don't.

It probably makes sense to have this run as default within chartpress.


Lines 370 to 377 in 84df258

# package the latest version into a temporary directory
# and run helm repo index with --merge to update index.yaml
# without refreshing all of the timestamps
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
'helm', 'package', chart_name,
'--destination', td + '/',

  helm package [flags] [CHART_PATH] [...]

      --app-version string   set the appVersion on the chart to this version
  -u, --dependency-update    update dependencies from "requirements.yaml" to dir "charts/" before packaging
  -d, --destination string   location to write the chart. (default ".")
  -h, --help                 help for package
      --key string           name of the key to use when signing. Used if --sign is true
      --keyring string       location of a public keyring (default "/home/erik/.gnupg/pubring.gpg")
      --save                 save packaged chart to local chart repository (default true)
      --sign                 use a PGP private key to sign this package
      --version string       set the version on the chart to this semver version