jupyterhub / action-k8s-await-workloads

A Github Action to await k8s workloads to become Ready

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Initial development goals

consideRatio opened this issue · comments

Initial goals

  • To validate inputs
  • To print seconds awaited for workloads when as finish rolling out.
  • To support awaiting a specific namespace's workloads
  • To not inspect all the pods, but only the workloads pods.
  • To setup some CI tests.
  • Fix test failure caused by finishing before the restart container check has run once
  • Support accepting any amount of container restarts
  • Add image/gif to README
  • Add npm build to ci to ensure it can build
  • Release and publish v1.0.0

Extra goals

  • Just like a climber competition requires the climber to hold on to the top grip for some seconds, it could make sense to introduce a configuration like this. Its use would mainly be if a workload didn't make use if readinessProbe's or similar as those containers would be considered ready instantly even before they have successfully done their startup sequence.
  • Hide command from showing (/usr/local/bin/kubectl get ds,deploy,sts --namespace=)


  • Is kubectl rollout status going to be fine with a pod that was started up but then got runtime errors, just because it's originally started up properly? I can test this.
  • How do we make our release branch / tag look? It is messy to have /dist and extremely messy to have node_modules as well. Can I get this setup without that? Some GitHub docs. I now .gitignore dist / package-lock.json and those are only explicitly written to by CI automation that we can trigger. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details about that.

Maybe long term

  • To have a workflow that can automatically update ./dist based on package-lock.json changes
    I created some automation described in CONTRIBUTING.md under publish

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