jupyter / nbviewer

nbconvert as a web service: Render Jupyter Notebooks as static web pages

Home Page:https://nbviewer.jupyter.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Some content on the front page is VERY dated

williamstein opened this issue · comments

I was just browsing the front page (https://nbviewer.org/), and the notebook link right in the middle (maybe the most central one that a person browsing might be drawn to) is very dated. If you click and browse the notebooks, you just see they use Python 2. If you actually look at the github repo itself -- https://github.com/ptwobrussell/Mining-the-Social-Web-2nd-Edition -- there is a huge warning at the top HTTP 301: Don't Use This Repository - 17 Jan 2019, and there is a recommendation to use https://github.com/mikhailklassen/Mining-the-Social-Web-3rd-Edition instead. So the central main nbviewer link has been deprecated for 3.5 years. I have no comments about other content, but when fixing this, it may be worth checking that the other content hasn't been deprecated for years...


This is a good point -- could you submit a quick PR to fix / update the link? I remember I made a similar PR maybe in 2019/2020, so it's definitely possible, and they do get merged.

It looks like you've looked into this the most. I agree that checking all of the other pages is a good idea. Let's aim to fix one at a time, and since you've already looked into it, this one first.

Done - PR created.

@williamstein Perfect! Thank you so much for contributing to NBViewer

As I mentioned on the PR thread, feel free to ping me, say in a couple of weeks, if no one else has the time to check and merge the PR -- it does look like the correct changes though