junyongyou / triq

TRIQ implementation

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About dataset

zmm96 opened this issue · comments


Hello, I have a question, the data shape of koniq-10k dataset is not consistent. Some is (224,224), otherwise some is(224,224,3)。but I do not find the process about the difference. Can you tell me more about the detail? thanks a lot.

Hello, I have a question, the data shape of koniq-10k dataset is not consistent. Some is (224,224), otherwise some is(224,224,3)。but I do not find the process about the difference. Can you tell me more about the detail? thanks a lot.

If I remember correctly, I should have just simply replicated a 224224 image to 224224*3 image by repeating the single channel. I should have done this before training the model, i.e., writing the 3-channel image into a new file. So such process was not included in the code.


I have one more question. the code you use to process the data before training is mics/imagenet_handler or databases/random_split_imagesset?

I have one more question. the code you use to process the data before training is mics/imagenet_handler or databases/random_split_imagesset?

I think these two should be used jointly. However, I would recommend you to do train-val-test split yourself, just use the TRIQ model implemented here. If you only want to test the model, you can use my trained weights.


can you tell me more about the detail in mics / imagenet_handler ?

can you tell me more about the detail in mics / imagenet_handler ?

Hi, I think I have put sufficient comments in each method. Please be specific if you have any questions.