junsukchoe / ADL

Attention-based Dropout Layer for Weakly Supervised Object Localization (CVPR 2019 Oral)

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ADL location in resnet & pytorch implementation

yassouali opened this issue · comments

First of all, great paper, and thank you for providing the tf implementation,

I was wondering about the correct locations to add the ADL module in a Resnet, in the command you only gave VGG example (end of block 3 & 4 and layer 53), but for resnet I see that you only apply ADL at the beginning of each Resnet block, can you please specify the best location to add ADL in this case.

Also, I am curious if the pytroch implementation will be available soon or it'll take some time (maybe I can start implementing it in this case).

Thanks for your interest in our work.

I am sorry for the delay of releasing more detailed instruction and pytorch implementation. I think that it will take about a month to release them because I am totally occupied by other projects now.

For the ResNet, we apply ADL blocks to first residual blocks of group 3&4 and right before the global average pooling layer.

You can use this:

python CAM-resnet.py --gpu 0 --data /notebooks/dataset/ILSVRC2012/ --imagenet --base-lr 0.1 --logdir ResNet_ImageNet --load ResNet --batch 128 --depth 50 --mode se --attdrop 31 41 5 --threshold 0.90 --keep_prob 0.25

Thank you.

Hi, sorry for asking the same question again, but can you please provide the value of the argument --ADL-position for Resnet in the Pytorch version, I tired using "31 41 5" but its seems the function make_cfg a list of lists.


Hi, we are sorry for your inconvenience. Currently, the location numbers in pytorch version is not consistent with those of tensorflow version (In pytorch version, we use zero-based numbering).

You can use this:

ADL_pos="30 40 42"

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${gpu} python train.py -a ${model} --dist-url ${server} \
    --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --pretrained \
    --data ${data_root} --dataset CUB \
    --train-list datalist/CUB/train.txt \
    --test-list datalist/CUB/test.txt \
    --data-list datalist/CUB/ \
    --task wsol \
    --batch-size ${batch} --epochs ${epoch} --LR-decay ${decay} \
    --wd ${wd} --lr ${lr} --nest --name ${name} \
    --use-ADL --ADL-thr 0.90 --ADL-rate 0.75 --ADL-pos ${ADL_pos}

Thank you very much.