junegunn / limelight.vim

:flashlight: All the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players

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Backward range

gudbjornv opened this issue · comments

I get this error when I try to use the keymappings:

"Error detected while processing function limelight#operator:
E493: Backward range given: '[,']call limelight#execute(0, 1)"

I am relatively new to this all so if this is a common problem caused by my stupidity I do apologize.

I just copied the nmap and xmap keymappings from the README.

There was a bug in the normal mode map. I just fixed it in 2adb5e2.
See if this helps in your case.

No longer get the error after updating, but now when I toggle it using keybinding it only highlights one line and does'nt change when I move between lines/paragraphs.
See here.

Yep, that's expected. It implements a normal-mode operator you can combine with a motion. e.g. <leader>lip, <leader>lG, etc. If you're not familiar with the concept, just use :Limelight command instead of using the map. Or something like nnoremap <Leader>l :Limelight!!<cr>.