junegunn / limelight.vim

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Error: Traling Character

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I just installed limelight, and when I run it with :Limelight i get an error:

Vim(return):E488: Trailing Character

This even happens when Goyo is running.

I have no clue how to debug it! How can I fix it?

I can't reproduce. Check out :help E488 and see if it gives you some hints.

it says: An argument has been added to an Ex command that does not permit one.

I have no clue what that means :P

vim +Limelight works, right? I believe it's a configuration issue.

no it doesn't work. I'm actually using neovim, so not sure if that has an impact on the performance.

What could be the configu issue about?

I can't help you with that. You can comment out settings and plugins until it works, to find out the culprit.