junegunn / limelight.vim

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Not working on Neovim

taq opened this issue · comments

I just got an error when running this plugin on Neovim. Seems that there is an error on the hex2rgb function, because is not send an hex value there. I forced synIDattr to use the gui mode (last parameter) and the error stopped, but I still can't have the dimmed parts of the code.

Hello? :-)

The error only occurs when termguicolors is set. But it works fine on regular Vim with the option.

colo seoul256
echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'fg#')
" vim: 252, nvim: 252
set termguicolors
echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'fg#')
" vim: #d9d9d9, nvim: 252

@justinmk Any idea why I see different results?

Maybe is Neovim returning it wrong?

Does regular Vim has the set termguicolors?

@junegunn @taq What version of Neovim ? There was a patch related to this not long ago.


When are you calling set termguicolors?

nvim --cmd 'set termguicolors' -c "put =synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'fg#')"

Inserts #f8f8f2 for me. set termguicolors must be called during startup (in your vimrc/init.vim), not after. This is a nvim limitation (documented at :help 'termguicolors').

Hey, using set termguicolors on startup worked, thanks!