jumpbyte / appframework

java web application framework based spring-framework™.

Home Page:appframework.jiucai.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


appframework is a java web application framework based spring-framework

appframework is for the Java programming language.

appframework features:

  • provides dao and service interface
  • provides supports for spring NamedParameterJdbcTemplate, Hibernate, Mybatis
  • provides wrapped http request param in ParameterMapper(include map and java bean) (since 2.0.0)
  • provides asynchronous calls of service/dao for http request
  • provides page/data/download/upload interface to light your code
  • provides listeners wrapped for you to filter http request
  • supports html/xml/json result for ajax request
  • provides basic encode and encrypt methods, such as md5,base64,dsa,rsa,aes,des,xxtea
  • provides wrapped log for log4j and common-logging
  • provides common utils , such as DateTimeUtil, ConfigUtil, IpUtil, EscapeUtil, DomainUtil, SwfUtil,InvokeSpeedLimitUtil ...
  • provides fusioncharts java bean wrapped classes


appframework min requirement:

  • Jdk 1.7 or higher

  • servlet 3.0+ , tomcat 7+

  • third party jar files defined in pom.xml which stored in the central repository

    Build Status

    Build Status

##Develop Requirements

Eclispe 4.4+ with m2eclipse plugins

#Download and Installation

Releases are available in the central repository.

The current stable release of appframework: 2.3.0

The dev version now is: 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT

##Download links: source: https://bitbucket.org/jiucai/appframework/src

download: https://bitbucket.org/jiucai/appframework/download

JAR package: http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/jiucai/appframework/2.3.0/appframework-2.3.0.jar

JAR package(Before Sync to Central Repository): http://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/org/jiucai/appframework/2.3.0/appframework-2.3.0.jar

Repository: http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|org.jiucai

##Maven project configuration:

Edit your project pom.xml and add :


Maven Site URL: http://appframework.jiucai.org/

#Development and bug reports

You may check out the appframework source code from appframework HG repository.

You may also browse the lastest appframework source code.

If you find a bug in appframework, please report a bug.

You may review open bugs through the list of open issues.

Feel free to improve the documentation .

And you can contact me on weibo.com

Anyone interested is welcome to join in QQ group: 56883769 (JAVA&SSH&SSI)


  • 2.3.0 Stable version based spring-framework 4.2.5 (Recommand upgrade to this version)
  • 2.2.1 Stable version based spring-framework 4.2.3
  • 2.2.0 Stable version based spring-framework 4.2.1
  • 2.1.3 Stable version based spring-framework 4.1.7
  • 2.1.1 Stable version based spring-framework 4.1.4
  • 2.1.0 Stable version based spring-framework 4.1.1
  • 2.0.0 Stable version based spring-framework 4.1.0
  • 1.2.0 Stable Release based spring-framework 3.2.11

#Change log

version 2.3.0:

  • update to spring-framework 4.2.5
  • remove hibernate support
  • change jdbc datasource from bonecp to HikariCP

version 2.2.1:

  • update to spring-framework 4.2.3
  • change log system from logback to log4j2(better performance than logback)

version 2.2.0:

  • update to spring-framework 4.2.1
  • change log system from log4j to logback
  • BaseDao no has no jar dependency, if you wanto old 4 interface ,use AbstractBaseDao
  • AppLogListener use static log MDC now , you can log ip with %X{ip} in logback.xml

#Author and copyright

The appframework library is developed by the team of developers and it is based on spring framework.

appframework is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

#Build Using Gradle

to convert maven project to gradle project:

gradle 1:

gradle setupBuild --type pom

gradle 2:

gradle init --type pom

when build.gradle is ready, then run

gradle build

last update at 2016-03-28


java web application framework based spring-framework™.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 99.8%Language:CSS 0.2%