Jumballaya / reading-list

Developer related reading list

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A curated reading list for developers

Topics include

  1. Test Driven Development
  2. REST API design
  3. JavaScript design patterns
  4. PHP design patterns
  5. Automation and Build Tools
  6. React/Redux and Frontend architecture

TDD (Test Driven Development)

  1. 30 days of TDD
  2. TDD with Drupal with Phactory - this source is a little old
  3. TDD Drupal, and its problems - source is old
  4. Good Practices for Testing React Apps


  1. Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API
  2. Drupal RESTful practices
  3. Understanding REST and RPC for HTTP APIs
  4. REST API tutorial
  5. Tips for Designing a RESTful API
  6. Principles of good RESTful API Design
  7. How to design a REST API - Octo Blog
  8. 10 Best Practices for Better RESTful API
  9. Fundementals of REST API Design
  10. Thoughts on RESTful API Design
  11. Microsoft REST API Guidelines

JavaScript Design Patterns & Concepts

  1. nnupoor/js_designpatterns
  2. JS tips
  3. You Don't Know JS
  4. JS Bits
  5. Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming

PHP Design Patterns

  1. PHP The Right Way
  2. domnikl/DesignPatternsPHP
  3. PHP Knowledge Resource
  4. Functional Programming in PHP
  5. Pramda, FP library for PHP

Automation and Build Tools

  1. Travis CI examples'
  2. veggiemonk/awesome-docker: Curated list of Docker resources

React/Redux and Frontend Architecture

  1. Baby's First Reaction(intro to React)
  2. 10 Tips for Better Redux Architecture
  3. Cabin from Stream
  4. React with Redux Video Series
  5. 9 things every React.js beginner should know
  6. How to Write Your Own Virtual DOM
  7. happypoulp/redux-tutorial
  8. React-redux-links
  9. Top React articles from 2016
  10. React docs
  11. Awesome, React
  12. Tutorialpoint React walkthrough
  13. React-redux real world example
  14. Antd React component framework
  15. React design patterns - This is a resource you will be back to a lot
  16. Another React design patterns site - Same with this, you will be back
  17. React styleguide and patterns from Planningcenter - Another good one, but it focuses on using React with Rails
  18. Good Practices for Testing React Apps
  19. TDD React Tutorial
  20. Higher Order React Components
  21. Redux docs
  22. 10 Tips for Better Redux Architecture - lengthy, but great post
  23. Unit Testing Redux
  24. Testing Redux Applications
  25. Redux Ecosystem
  26. React is slow, React is fast


Developer related reading list