juliusv / prometheus_docker_demo

Demo of Prometheus on Docker, monitoring Node Exporter, cAdvisor, and Docker Engine metrics.

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Docker Prometheus Demo

This demo sets up Prometheus and Grafana on a Docker Swarm cluster. It monitors cAdvisor for container metrics, Node Exporter for host metrics, and the Docker Engine for Docker-internal metrics.


This demo requires a Swarm cluster to be set up.

Running the demo

Run our own Docker image registry:

docker service create --name registry --publish 5000:5000 registry:2

Build custom Prometheus image with our config baked in:

docker build -t localhost:5000/prometheus .

Push our custom Prometheus image to our registry:

docker push localhost:5000/prometheus

Deploy Prometheus, Grafana, and the necessary exporters, as a Docker Stack with the name prometheus:

docker stack deploy -c compose.yml prometheus

Using Prometheus and Grafana

You can reach Prometheus on any host of the cluster on port 9090.

You can reach Grafana on any host of the cluster on port 3000. The login is admin / admin.

Example queries

For each host, show the total CPU usage in cores:

sum without(cpu, mode) (rate(node_cpu{mode!="idle"}[1m]))

For each Docker container, show the total CPU usage:

sum without(cpu) (rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{id=~"/docker/.*"}[1m]))

Swarm-wide, show the per-second rate of all Docker engine container actions.

sum without(instance) (rate(engine_daemon_container_actions_seconds_count[1m]))


Demo of Prometheus on Docker, monitoring Node Exporter, cAdvisor, and Docker Engine metrics.