julius-speech / segmentation-kit

Speech Segmentation Toolkit using Julius

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Output strange file path when there are multiple wav files

tomoki opened this issue · comments

Log displays strange verbose file path when there are multile wav files.
This issue is not critical, because it is just only annoying.

Here is my directory tree which contains two wav file named a01.wav and a02.wav.

├── bin
│   ├── julius-4.3.1
│   ├── julius-4.3.1.exe
│   └── yomi2voca.pl
├── License.md
├── models
│   ├── hmmdefs_monof_mix16_gid.binhmm
│   ├── hmmdefs_ptm_gid.binhmm
│   └── logicalTri
├── README.md
├── segment_julius.pl
└── wav
    ├── a01.txt
    ├── a01.wav
    ├── a02.txt
    └── a02.wav

And when I run segment_julius.pl, it outputs like following.

-> perl segment_julius.pl                                                                              [~/Desktop/sk]
enter filename->..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................enter filename->1 files processed
Result saved in "./wav/a01.lab".
enter filename->.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................enter filename->1 files processed
Result saved in "./wav//a02.lab".

The output contains file path ./wav//a02.wav, which is verbose.
./wav//a02.wav is equals to the simplified form ./wav/a02.wav, and it should output simplified version.

I confirmed this issue in Linux, but I think we can see it also in Windows.

Sorry for replying too late, and thanks for your contribution! I've merged your fix into master.