julienrf / play-jsmessages

Library to compute localized messages of your Play application on client side

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Play 2.5 compatible version?

kipsigman opened this issue · comments

Is there any plan to release a new version compatible with Play 2.5? I'd be happy to fork and do a pull request if you like.

Hi, yes a PR would be highly appreciated :)

Julien - I ended up just copying the code to my https://github.com/kipsigman/play-extensions project, which also makes routes and config available to JavaScript files. I gave you recognition. Would you like to deprecate your project and help me with the play-extensions as it has additional features?

Well, I’m not opposed to transfer this project to someone else, but I must confess that I don’t like the fact that play-extensions mixes several unrelated things, I’d rather see the play-jsmessage project to be independent.

Here are my thoughts:

  • I agree with you, my play-extensions is too broad and not well defined - it's a catch-all bucket for any extra Play stuff that I needed.
  • I love your play-jsmessages project, but I think the scope is too narrow. I think it should exist with any other resources needed for JavaScript such as config and routes. For my vision, see https://github.com/kipsigman/play-extensions/blob/master/src/main/scala/kipsigman/play/mvc/JavaScriptResourceController.scala.
  • My initial approach of copying your work into my project was an unethical approach, I apologize. After thinking about it, I basically stole your work. I didn't mean to do this, I was just trying to get something up and running fast (which often compromises the "right" way of doing things).

I propose this:

  1. We create a new joint project for all JavaScript resources, starting with what we have (config, messages, routes). I have no problem putting this project under your user, as you spearheaded this effort and I modeled my work off your project. Or we can create a new organization for combined Play extensions that you, myself, and others can contribute to.
  2. You deprecate play-jsmessages, replacing it with the project in item 1.
  3. I'll remove all JavaScript functionality from my play-extensions project and reference our new project in my README.

I hope I'm not stepping on your toes here, I'm just hoping to use your great project as a foundation for something with slightly expanded scope that may help Play users. Please let me know your thoughts.


It's possible we could move our effort to the Play Framework Github Org or even make it part of the Play Framework core project I worked for Lightbend (Typesafe) for 2 years and have a very close relationship with the Play team (James Roper, Will Sargent, etc). I know they are shorthanded as most of those engineers are currently working on Lagom (microservices) and would be welcome open source contributions. I can also get them to give us feedback where they might ignore other open source contributors.


I like your idea. Would you agree to proceed as follows? You fork play-jsmessage under the playframework organization (or under your own account, if that’s not possible), so that we keep the git history and I can transfer the project ownership to the new organization (so that users will automatically be redirected to the new project).