julianperrott / WowClassicGrindBot

WOW Classic Grind Bot, World of Warcraft Grind Bot - No DLL injection or memory watching, just screen capture and mouse and keyboard clicking.

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In Combat Range

newguy07 opened this issue · comments

Hello Julian,
First, I would like to sincerely thank you for putting this out there. It definitely provides me with a great learning experience. I have been able to get everything up and running, except the bot does not appear to be able to detect that it is "In combat range". I am testing this on a fresh new level 3 Tauren Druid. He pulls with wrath, then seems to immediate get stuck in the "Approach Target Goal" even though he is right in front of the mob plainstrider. Bot proceeds to run back and forth over mob never detecting that it is in range. Below is a dump of the output. I'll greatly appreciate any assistance with this! Thank you.

[19:15:41 INF] New Plan= PullTargetGoal
[19:15:41 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:42 INF] Stop approach
[19:15:42 INF] Approach target (PullTargetAction)
[19:15:42 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:42 INF] [UpArrow] pressing for 51ms
[19:15:42 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:42 INF] Wrath: Wait before 500.
[19:15:43 INF] Wrath [D7] pressing for 250ms
[19:15:44 INF] Wrath: waiting for cast bar to end.
[19:15:45 INF] Waiting for Mellee range
[19:15:50 INF] ---------------------------------
[19:15:50 INF] New Plan= ApproachTargetGoal
[19:15:50 INF] Combat=True, Is Target targetting me=True
[19:15:50 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:51 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:51 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:52 INF] [Spacebar] pressing for 498ms
[19:15:52 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:53 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:53 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:53 INF] KeyDown UpArrow ApproachTargetAction
[19:15:56 INF] [Spacebar] pressing for 498ms
[19:15:56 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:57 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:57 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:57 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:58 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:58 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:15:59 INF] [F10] pressing for 300ms
[19:15:59 INF] Approach target (ApproachTargetAction 1)
[19:15:59 INF] [H] pressing for 99ms
[19:16:00 INF] ---------------------------------

I believe I found a solution. I saw that the bot was checking for Druid_Bash to determine if I was in combat range, but a level 3 druid does not yet have bash. I changed this to Druid_Wrath and now the bot correctly registers as in combat range! Please let me know if you feel this is a valid fix. I will change it back to bash once I have that skill to see how behavior changes.

Hi, good spot. At lower levels especially in the starter zones the bot is not great, due to there being a multitude of yellow targets, it gets better when the mobs are red and more spread out and agro and come to you.

Bash is melee range, wrath is 30 yd range. I guess it depends upon what you are using in combat to determine combat range. My Druid was a bear and ended up as Feral. But yeah bash is totally the wrong thing until level 14. For mobs that come to you wrath range will work for melee, but for casters I guess you will need an Interact in your combat sequence so that you approach them.

Good morning, and thanks for the quick response! I haven't fought any casters yet, but I will definitely keep that in mind. I'm working on the vendor/repair part now. I'm having trouble with creating that example "C" macro, specifically getting the "/run DataToColor:sell({"Light Leather","Cheese","Light Feather"});" part to work, so I think I'll need an interact in this too as it seems to auto sell all the grey loot when the window opens. I'll let you know with another issue if I get stuck again. Have a great day.

Here is the bindpad macro I use, if it helps:

/tar Krinkle
/script SelectGossipOption(1)
/run DataToColor:sell({"Mystery Meat","Thick Hide","Wicked Claw","Deeprock Salt","Gooey Spider Leg","Raptor Hide","Thick Spider's Silk","Silk Cloth","Raptor Egg","Raptor Flesh","Crisp Spider Meat","Wool Cloth","Red Wolf Meat"});