juliangarnier / anime

JavaScript animation engine

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Is it possible to target nested object properties?

kevinschaich opened this issue · comments

e.g. I have:

const myObject = {
    a: {
        b: {
            c: 1000

Can I somehow tell anime that I want 'c' to change? via dot notation a.b.c or similar?

Yeah, you'd use dot notation. Not somewhere where I can cough up a mini example but check out the docs. They show how to target an arbitrary JavaScript object and animate its properties. But I believe you'd target a.b and then set c to whatever values/keyframes.

For right now since we couldn't find any example code, I decided to just "flatten" my object to make the top-level keys strings:

const myObject = {
    'a.b.c': 1000

and in anime:

    targets: myObject,
    'a.b.c': 2000,

Let me know if anyone has a better way!


Never rEaLlY used this library, but just looking at what is said here then wouldnt it just be.....

    targets: myObject.a.b,
    'c': 2000,