julia-vscode / StaticLint.jl

Static Code Analysis for Julia

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Possible method call error for double "where" + default argument value

KnutAM opened this issue · comments

Seems different to existing similar issues, but perhaps related to the fixed #256?

f1(c::TT=[1,1]) where {TT<:AbstractVector{T}} where {T} = (c,TT,T) # "Possible method call error."
f2(c::TT=[1,1]) where {TT<:AbstractVector} = (c,TT) # All good
f3(c::TT) where {TT<:AbstractVector{T}} where {T} = (c,TT,T) # All good

In VS Code v1.6.17 on Windows 10, julia 1.7.2