julen / mozilla-l10n-scripts

Helper scripts to handle localizations of Mozilla products.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

*     Helper scripts to handle Mozilla localizations        *
*                                                           *
*  Version: 0.1 alpha                                       *
*  Author: Julen Ruiz Aizpuru <julenx@gmail.com>            *
*          Based on previous shell scripts by Ibon Igartua. *
This set of scripts aims to ease the management of the Mozilla l10n environment
and focuses specially on those who use Translate Toolkit.

Package contents

This package includes:
 - README : this file you are reading.
 - config.py : main configuration file.
 - update.py : script to update repositories.
 - moz2po.py : creates PO files from the repositories.
 - po2moz.py : converts back PO files to Mozilla l10n formats.
 - bug_diff.py : creates diff based on our changes.
 - compare.py : runs compare-locales for selected products.


Just place all the .py files in the directory you want to have all the l10n stuff.


You will need to configure several things before running the scripts.

* Main configuration.
  config.py :

    You will need to set your locale code, the product(s) you are localizing,
    and specify the repository you are working with.
    You can also customize the parameters passed to moz2po and po2moz commands.

* Global Mercurial configuration.
  $HOME/.hgrc :
    username = Your Real Name <user@example.com>
    merge = your-merge-program

    git = 1

    diff=-p -U 8

* Before pushing, configure your repository and ssh as well.
  l10n/MOZLANG/.hg/hgrc :
    default = http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n-mozilla-1.9.1/MOZLANG/
    default-push = ssh://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n-mozilla-1.9.1/MOZLANG/
    central = ssh://hg.mozilla.org/l10n-central/MOZLANG/

  $HOME/.ssh/config :
    Host hg.mozilla.org
    User user@host.domain


Helper scripts to handle localizations of Mozilla products.


Language:Python 100.0%