juju / charmstore-client

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charm push output is confusing : mismatch between promulgated and non-promulgated revnos

axinojolais opened this issue · comments


I just published changes to the nrpe charm today. Here's what I did :

$ charm push . cs:~nrpe-charmers/nrpe
url: cs:~nrpe-charmers/nrpe-40
channel: unpublished

$ charm release cs:~nrpe-charmers/nrpe-40 --channel candidate
url: cs:~nrpe-charmers/nrpe-40
channel: candidate

$ charm release cs:~nrpe-charmers/nrpe-40 --channel stable
url: cs:~nrpe-charmers/nrpe-40
channel: stable

What's confusing there is that this is actually cs:nrpe-49, not -40. The confusion exists because cs:~nrpe-charmers/nrpe-40 is cs:nrpe-49. I guess perhaps if we push/release to a "promulgated" charm, the charm command should (also) display the promulgated version ?

Is there even a way to map cs:~nrpe-charmers/nrpe-40 to cs:nrpe-49 today ?


Versions used :
charm 2.2.2
charm-tools 2.2.3

This is a dupe of #75.

I agree that it's confusing, but this is the intended behavior. This is because the promulgated charm ID tracks its revisions independently from the owner charm ID. And that is because the owner for the promulgated charm could change, which would cause the charm revision to potentially go backwards. To ensure monotonically increasing charm revisions so as not to break updates, the decision was made to split them.

It's actually fairly easy to find the promulgated rev, though, because the promulgated ID always tracks the latest rev of the stable channel of the owner namespaced charm ID, so if cs:~nrpe-charmers/nrpe is promulgated, the promulgated URL will always be just cs:nrpe and you can get the specific rev with:

charm show cs:nrpe

# or, if you have jq and want just the rev:
charm show cs:nrpe --format=json | jq -r '."id-revision".Revision

It's a bit harder to go the other way, but not impossible. This will give you the info about the owner ("upstream") charm from a promulgated charm (requires jq; snap install jq):

function charm-show-owner-rev() {
    owner="$(charm show "cs:$charm" --format=json | jq -r '.owner.User')"
    owner_rev="$(charm show "cs:~$owner/$charm" --format=json | jq -r '."id-revision".Revision')"
    #echo "$owner_url"
    charm show "$owner_url" "$@"

That said, it would still definitely be nice if the output of charm release indicated the promulgated rev straight away and if the output of charm show had an url field in the owner section with this info.